Assam Black Tea Assam Tea is a full bodied tea with good malty flavour. Another name for this tea would be Flowery Orange Pekoe.
Ceylon Black Tea Ceylon tea - it is one of the worlds finest black teas.
China Black Tea China Black Tea - In many areas of China, the superb grades of China black tea are still picked and processed by hand.
Cranberry Orange Black Tea Enjoy all the antioxidant benefits of this incredibly delicious blend hot or cold.
Cream of Earl Grey Tea Blend of Earl Grey and Vanilla bean. Makes a nice cup of tea!
Darjeeling Tea Darjeeling Tea is the rarest and the most prestigious of black teas.
Earl Grey Black Tea Contrary to popular belief, Earl Grey is not a kind of tea at all. It's actually plain black
English Breakfast Tea It is a blend of several black teas derived from various locales.
Irish Breakfast Tea In Ireland, that rugged but beautiful island on Europe's western edge, the people give priority to strength and honesty. This blend possesses exactly these characteristics. A balanced blend - it combines fragrant, malty Assam, which gives this tea its full aroma, with golden, aromatic Ceylon to make for a rounded pleasant flavour which motivates even the groggiest of morning risers to get out of bed! Certified organic.
Lapsang Souchong Tea A powerfully smoky aroma coupled with a smooth taste.