2 Cup Tea Pot Black 2 cup tea pot
Assam Black Tea Assam Tea is a full bodied tea with good malty flavour. Another name for this tea would be Flowery Orange Pekoe.
Battling Bamboo Pain Relief Tea Ease your pain and your mind with some African Honeybush Tea, Peppermint, Feverfew, Black Haw Bark, Gingko, Lemon Balm and a few deep breaths. This unique combination has helped many of our customers find long awaited natural pain relief. Certified Organic.
Calendula Calendula has a slightly tangy, peppery taste. Calendula blossoms have been used medicinally for the treatment of sores, wounds and other skin problems. Only available dried.
Ceylon Black Tea Ceylon tea - it is one of the worlds finest black teas.
China Black Tea China Black Tea - In many areas of China, the superb grades of China black tea are still picked and processed by hand.
Cranberry Orange Black Tea Enjoy all the antioxidant benefits of this incredibly delicious blend hot or cold.
Darjeeling Tea Darjeeling Tea is the rarest and the most prestigious of black teas.
Dragonwell Green Tea Dragon Well tea has a distinguished shape. Its leaves are broad and flat, a result of laborious drying. There is something to show for this hard work: Dragon Well tea is refreshingly smooth, sweet and delicate. Certified organic.
Earl Grey Black Tea Contrary to popular belief, Earl Grey is not a kind of tea at all. It's actually plain black
Earl Grey Green Tea The natural flavor of oil of bergamot is used to enhance the flavor of an excellent Ceylon green tea, to produce a lively Earl Grey taste. Certified organic.
English Breakfast Tea It is a blend of several black teas derived from various locales.
Green Sencha Green Tea Packed with a full green tea flavor, a flat, broad, dark green leaf, it offers a bright color and fragrant, grassy aroma. Certified organic.
Gunpowder Green Tea A taste with history!!! Gunpowder green tea gets its name because the tightly rolled green leaves resemble the powder used in cannons on 18th century British ships. When fully steeped, the tender whole leaves unfurl revealing this deep, rich flavor. A most unique tea that is among the most popular worldwide. Certified organic
Hojicha Organic Hojicha is made of organic Japanese bancha tea, a mixture of pan-fired and slow roasted green tea leaves that yield a rich, nutty brew. Certified organic.
Jasmine Green Tea Made from Green or Pouchong (Chinese Green) tea leaves that are scented with incredible jasmine flowers. A remarkable aroma and unforgetable taste. Certified Organic.
Se Chung Special Oolong Tea This oolong tea has a shorter fermentation time making this tea a special "green style" oolong.
Strawberry Green Tea Delicious strawberries in a rare flowery green tea with well twisted delicate tips & carefully processed. A truly enjoyable tea hot or cold. Certified Organic.
Tulsi Tea (Holy Basil) An incredible mixture of Rama & Krishna Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) and Vana Tulsi (Ocimum gratissiumum). Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, has been one of the most cherished healing herbs of India. This mixture of three basils provides a mild, but rich and delicious tea that soothes as it is ingested. Certified Organic.
White Peony Tea This is the highest grade of white tea available.