Why Drink Tea?
Why do we drink tea?
We drink tea because we enjoy the flavor, as a bonus we reap the health benefits.
Good tea is like a good book, the book you can't put down, the book you have read over and over and will read again. You come back to your favorite flavored tea for its great taste, soothing effects and subtle aromas. Grab your favorite blanket, curl up with a great book and sip back on your favorite teas, full flavored loose tea from yourteaneeds.com.
Do it for your health!
Do it for the taste!
Green tea contains vitamins, minerals and catechins which are powerful antioxidants.
Green teas have been credited with health benefits such as lowering cholesterol, preventing sharp increases in blood insulin levels which promotes the burning of fat.
Tea has also been credited in boosting and improving the immune system. Tea has components that appear to help the immune system fight off viruses, bacteria and fungi.
Green tea and black tea have been found to:
♦ improve memory
♦ slow down the development of Alzhemiers
♦ effective weapon against Diabetes
♦ help strengthen bones
Our tea is hand harvested tea. Pluckers take only the bud and two leaves as only young leaves produce good quality tea. Machine plucked tea is usually inferior.
White tea is widely recognized for its antioxidant properties. White tea compared to other teas contain higher amounts of flavour and antioxidants.
Tea from Taiwan is embodied in tea flavour. These teas vary greatly in flavor ranging from soft and charming to refined and strong.